Post Award Basics


Contacting the Post Award Team

Office of Research Support
79 Fifth Avenue, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10003

What is Post Award?

The ORS Post Award Team supports Principal Investigators and their research and/or creative teams as they pursue their funded projects.  In partnership with PIs, college/school administrators and central administrators, we support the policies and procedures that enable The New School to remain compliant with the  expectations and requirements of our sponsors, in light of TNS policies and procedures and federal regulatory guidelines.

PIs are responsible for both the fiscal oversight and technical management of the externally-funded project.  The Post Award team assists the PI in many aspects of oversight and management.  Specifically, the Post Award Team:

  • Sets up the Award in Workday and assigns the Worktags;

  • Proactively works with PIs and their teams to anticipate future needs of the awards, such as travel, hiring, events, and major purchases’

  • Creates shared task lists outlining important Award deadlines;

  • Ensures the timeliness of sponsor reporting guidelines;

  • Prepares agreements between TNS, PI, and subrecipients;

  • Prepares Quarterly Updates for the PI, Grant Accounting, and University Development and Alumni Relations Office (UDARO) to assure that grant spending follows Uniform Guidance Cost Principles of allowability, allocability, reasonableness, and consistency;

  • Completes annual subrecipient monitoring;

  • Helps the PI’s team distinguish between expenses that should be listed as Direct Costs, those that should be reimbursed through indirect cost recovery, and those that are not eligible for reimbursement;

  • Works with the PI (and UDARO) to request extensions as needed; and

  • Ensures the award is closed in a timely manner and helps the PIs and their teams transition to the next endeavor.

Every project and every award is different. Our goal in Post Award is to ensure that each project gets individualized support that reflects the realities of that award and the needs of the project team.